
Perfect for startups and simple landing pages. Maximum efficiency with minimal cost

Hosting 1GB

Our 1GB WordPress hosting offers ample storage for new or basic WordPress sites. It ensures fast loading times and efficient operation, tailored specifically for WordPress requirements.

Updates 1x

This service includes a one-time technical update specifically for your WordPress site, ensuring that your website aligns with the latest WordPress versions and standards.

Backup 1x

Our one-time backup service is specifically designed for WordPress, ensuring a comprehensive backup of your site’s data, themes, and plugins, safeguarding against potential data loss.

Security Lv.1

Security Level 1 provides foundational security measures tailored for WordPress sites. This includes protection against common WordPress-specific threats, spam protection, and basic traffic filtering.

Optimization minimal

Our minimal optimization package is crafted for WordPress sites, focusing on actions like image compression, WordPress-specific code minimization, and other measures to boost your site’s performance on the platform.